Huwebes, Enero 31, 2013


Annyeong guys.. haven't blog for awhile since I'm too busy for school works... MIdterms will be next week.. keke

So my title is about addiction.. ADdiction to giveaways. Puhahahaha. You thought it's drugs right... hahaha
No... I'm currently addicted to giveaways right now... either signed CD or not...
Im really hoping that I could do a giveaway someday to this blog... but I'm still a student who don't have enough money to satisfy my kpop addiction.. hahaha anyways... I'll leave this post since I'm not really used typing in tablet.. kekeke..


Martes, Enero 22, 2013

My Plans in 2013

안녕 하새요~열어분들~
So, I'm in my next post about my Plans in 2013. I really wanted to write about this but I don't have time and not in my mood to write in my blog.

My plans for 2013 are:

3. Win from Giveaways
4. 살 빼 73-> 45 (Few of my readers will understand this.Edited: I added a clue. hahaha)
5. Do a CD, Make-Up review
6. Learn Korean
7. High Grades
8. Learn Piano
9. Improve my Singing and Dancing Ability (After I 살 빼~)
10. Read Bible

So, there. you saw my plans. I may added few thing but I want to grant this for 2013. I really want to 살 빼~ I really think I can do it this time. AND! I'll start next week. I'm just planning some foods to eat and some things to 살 빼~ I don't want to show what I want so I wrote it on Korean so few can understand. I'm still shy to  show that.


안녕 하새요~열어분들~
It' been a long time since I Post my stories here in Blog. I;m quite sure that this Post will be long since I want to tell you many stories that I experienced for the past few weeks. Anyways, I really want to post something here but I want to upload pictures and My browser didn't allow me to upload something~ Aigoo.

First of All, 2AM Sain't O Clock Special Edition reverted back from its original Price in YesAsia. 15$ to 56$ T_T  I hate it. And also, I didn't still get my Extension Card. The bank is sooo SLOW.SLOW.SLOW in approving the credit card. T_T My money is ready but my credit card is not. HATE.IT So I decided not to buy from YesAsia until they sale again. 

GMARKET~Welcome to my Life! So because of that happenings in YesAsia, I'll just buy from GMARKET and KPOP MART. Though Shipping is sooo Expensive if you buy one item. I'll buy loads from them(GMARKET) since I got a chance to win 50,000 won from my Review. I really hope to win If I enter since I really want to buy Korean Language Books especially Ehwa series since it's good according to hangukdrama(I trust her, you know~!)

So as of now, I have a budget of $150 FOR MY KPOP CDs and BOOKS. It's my first time to buy something for myself and I really want to support my favorite artist. Though I really want Signed CD From them. I think I should buy also not just waiting to fall giveaway CD. 

Uh.. so yeah. =) I think I'll gonna post something about audition =)

Lunes, Enero 7, 2013

좋은 아침 ^^

Woooooh. I don't know if I'm Happy or not. This Day Subjects in our class is killing me softly. It's not about the subject but the professors. They're killing me. -.- Well, before I put bad words here, let's take the positive side. Here's a surprise now. I.WON.UKISS.SIGNED.CD OMG.OMG Can't contain my feels. I already said that to my bestfriend but because she's in a hurry, she just know that I won only not the reason behind it. When I saw KBS World to the sender, I'm really shaking up because I really don't know that I'll be able to gone this too far. Aigooo. Thanks to gurupop that enables me to be a crazy KPOP Fan who wants their sign.sign.sign. If I did this since the beginning of my KPOP World then the CDs I have will be sooooo many. I'm so jealous to other KPOP Fans whom be able to do it since the beginning of their lives. KEKEKE. Anyways, It's already 6:47 and I should go to school. Even though, the professors are kinda bit annoying. -.-
Anyways, 좋은 아침

Guess what's in my cart right now?

Aigooo. since I'm waiting for 5:30PM to go in a concert, I'll post something interesting. LOL. Guess what's in my cart right now? FUCKING JYP CDS and CCM also. LOL. I'll buy it though it's quite expensive. Sorry if the res is soooo damn low. Since I cannot use my computer in ordering KPOPMART, I used my mom's computer! T_T I want to post my YESASIA, GMARKET AND KPOPTOWN and TTMIK CARTS now but I don't have soo much time to printscreen that. I should do it for my next blog. aigooo. But my first checkout would be from YesAsia since I really want the 2AM Saint O'Clock Limited Edition(I'm really thankful that they still have it. OOOYEAH.)
3RD MONTH - KPOPMART (TEMPORARY.) This would be temporary since the free poster is very limited. I would buy this if they have ONLY 5 or 3 stocks. :D
3RD MONTH: GMARKET! I would really want to buy for korean books there though it's sooo fucking expensive. (BIGBANG BOOK AND EHWA 1-2 is almost 50$ T_T)
4RTH MONTH: TTMIK STORE! would really want to buy BAEK SUNG JO'S DIARY FOR 33$ including Shipping fee. This would be for educational purposes and.. fangirling? HAHA. 

So, THIRD MONTH will be my first and last time to purchase in three stores. You know why? It's my last month of earning money. HAHA. 4RTH AND 5TH MONTH will be our summer vacation

Since, It's already 5:21, I'll post this up and edit on my free time cause you know, I want to say more about my shopping list!! :DDD


Sabado, Enero 5, 2013

My Way of buying CDs

So, I'm ready for buying CDs BUT... I used to think 10X before buying it. My cart was almost dizzy because I always add to cart and then delete it afterwards..So I want to give you guys my way or my requirements for me to be able to buy their CDS. I used to think that I should maximize my utility in buying this products.

I always watch UNBOXING VIDEOS on CDs that really tempt me to buy it. EVEN 2AM CDs. I watch it because I want to know if it's worth the money or not. I watch 2AM Unboxing CDs also but I'm very sure to buy it soon. NO Thinking. Just buy it because I know that my Utility will be very high if I buy 2AM CDs. That's my IAM Fan life. I always supports them even though I illegally download their album. ^^ I don't have any money at that time to pre-order their album. So OKAY.

I always compare their PRICES. Everyone really does it, right? I compare prices of YESASIA, KPOPMART,SOOMPI AND KPOPTOWN. Though YesAsia is a dollar higher than others but they have Free Shipping if you reach 39$ which I really LOVE.

I always put them on probation for 1-2 months or 3 Months or maybe 5 months or 1 year. I don't want to buy their freshly baked release CD. Some sites maybe do a Giveaway with SIGNED of them. I don't want to regret that I bought their fresh CD on the day they released it and others just do a giveaway.

I buy CD that is a year over or half a year over. Yeah, maybe I'm late for those but It's still the same right? The CD didn't change if a year goes by, right?

So, There. BYE! ^_^

KPOP CDS Pros and Cons

So I'll tell what I really love and hate about KPOP CDS. KPOP FANS HAVE HATES to some thing in KPOP world you know? But I know love is really overflowing. HAHAHA


Good Packaging

Few Songs
Same songs from Previous Album with ADD UP Songs.

So, There. I really want to write everything I love but I think I will just write in general. I love Kpop CDS that has Good Packaging, Creative,Unique,AlienSize. I will definitely buy it if it pass to my Standards. Alien Size means rare SIZES of an ALBUM! The standard size I almost see is the size of the CD but in KPOP, I think the big size I saw is BOAs Only One. Special Ed and Super Junior Mr. Simple. I own Secret Poison CD which is Big as Bond Paper. I really love their Pacakaging and I never regret that I won that (Who does that?)
The thing that I hate in KPOP CDS is FEW SONGS! Aigooo. I think the album is pricey because of Photobook or other things that was in CD.

Same songs from Previous Album with ADD UP Songs. When I wrote this, I think T-ARA's CD. I know that you all know that. They have Repackaged album that consist from previous album and an ADD-UP SONGS. The best Example in here is the T-ARA Funky Town and MIRAGE. I really hate it when they do that. I don't want to buy 2 albums with same songs. I'll just buy and wait for the repackaged album if they continue that.I think Girls Generation is the best example who really release songs that is not the same songs from the album.
Next thing I hate is the Instrumental. I really hate that. HATE TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL. They just add instrumentals to have many track songs to their album. Though the company thinks that it is a good thing for fans, it's even not worth of money! It's okay if they had instrumental for their single but to all? WTH. I'll never buy that kind of Album.

So, There! I may add few for the next days. Please wait for my blog about my ways of buying CD! ^^ Gidaehaseyo!